Your Compeer Office
Blue Earth, MN

1700 Gian Drive, PO Bbox 220
Blue Earth, MN 65013
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Compeer Client Services

Farm Operating Loans

There are as many ways to run a farm as there are farmers. In fact, most top producers use a hybrid of best practices, experiences, science and gut hunches to manage their businesses. When looking for financing, these unique operational qualities require a lender with more than a basic understanding of accounting and computing; you want someone who understands farming.

An operating loan at Compeer Financial is designed by a team passionate about agriculture to fund the way you produce and market. With a variety of terms and products for operations of virtually any size, farm operating loans give you access to cash when you need it and the added benefit of tax-deductible interest. Our inventory loans, offered in conjunction with operating loans, give you the power to plan your sale of on-hand inventory around optimal market conditions.

Operating Loan Products


A revolving line of credit lasts one or more years and lets you borrow money from your operating loan account repeatedly as you pay back the balance that you owe. Use online banking, drafts or Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer to access your operating loan funds.


A non-revolving line of credit is a one-time-use loan that provides a set limit of funds to borrow as you need them. The line of credit typically lasts for one year and is a one-time-use loan that lets you use ACH transfers to access funds.

Limited availability of our Compeer Advantage One Source™ suite of operating loan products.

Let’s Start a Conversation

Agriculture Loans, Farm Loans and Rural Home Loans

Benchmarking Basics

Benchmarking is a powerful tool farmers can use to better understand and improve their operation. Compeer can help you see how you stack up against other producers and guide you to meet your goals.

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