Your Compeer Office
Blue Earth, MN

1700 Gian Drive, PO Bbox 220
Blue Earth, MN 65013
[email protected]

Compeer Client Services

Disability Insurance

If you became disabled and your income suddenly decreased or stopped, would you be able to pay your bills?

The hope is that you’ll always be healthy and able-bodied, but doesn’t planning ahead make sense, just in case?

Fortunately, Compeer Financial makes it easy to protect your family and your livelihood with disability insurance.

Receive a monthly benefit to help pay expenses like mortgage, utilities, loans, living expenses and hired help.

Loan, lease and co-signers are eligible, including a spouse, partners of a partnership, joint borrowers, endorsers and guarantors. Insurance can provide income for up to five years if you are unable to perform your job. No premiums are due while you are eligible to receive disability income. Monthly disability benefits and length of coverage can be customized to fit your needs. Guaranteed renewable to age 65.

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